SAKH & AssociatesSAKH & AssociatesSAKH & Associates

We See Beyond Numbers

Welcome to SAKH & Associates

We are a team of proficient and dedicated chartered accountants based in New Delhi & NCR. We are a premier professional services firm, with the Managing Partner in practice since 2006 strives to add value to the business of its clients.our vision is to evolve through a process of dynamic change adaptation, with special emphasis on knowledge creation and be recognized as one of the top ten financial, technical advisors and service providers of the century. Our Head Office is located at the heart of the capital city of New Delhi and we have other domestic office set up at Gurugram & Ghaziabad.

With a highly skilled and well-trained team, we are well equipped with appropriate sources and richness of experience to offer professional and accurate Audit and Assurance, Domestic & International Tax Advisory, Transfer Pricing, Corporate Law Matters, Business Process Outsourcing, Business & Personal Loan Advisory, Fund Raising and Transactions Advisory services to our valued clients.

We believe in working along with our clients as not just their advising Chartered Accountant firm but also as an extended arm of their businesses providing them the right advice and tips that would help them continue running their businesses successfully.

Started in 2006, firm has growth in multiple areas as Audits, Taxation, Due Diligence, International Tax and Transfer Pricing.
Current firm serves companies from various cities such asGurugram, Noida, Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, etc.
Firm also caters to foreign clients having their subsidiaries / branches in India. Firm has foreign clients from countries like Singapore, USA,Germany, Dubai.
Firm also has advised many Indian Companies to set-up their business overseas mainly in Dubai, UK& USA.
Firm has handled large size audit and tax advisory services, management advisory assignments to Corporate, Semi-Corporate, Government Sector, Banks and Semi-Government Bodies.
Firm is actively advising many successful Start-ups in India for their business strategies, structuring and fund-raising activity.
Firm is also providing outsourcing services for Companies for their book keeping, accounting and tax compliance.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)