SAKH & AssociatesSAKH & AssociatesSAKH & Associates

CFO and Virtual CFO

CFO Services and Virtual CFO Services

What are CFO Services and Virtual CFO Services?

CFO Services: We provide experienced and qualified professionals who act as your dedicated CFO, handling all aspects of your financial management. This includes financial planning, analysis, reporting, and strategic decision-making.

Virtual CFO Services: We offer a cost-effective alternative, providing a remote CFO who delivers strategic financial expertise, customized to your specific needs. This allows you to access high-level financial guidance without the overhead associated with a full-time CFO position.

Types of CFO and Virtual CFO Services:

  • Financial Reporting & Analysis:We create accurate and insightful financial reports, analyze your financial performance, and identify key trends and areas for improvement.
  • Financial Planning & Budgeting:We develop comprehensive financial plans, budgets, and cash flow forecasts to guide your business decisions.
  • Strategic Financial Management:We provide strategic financial insights, helping you make informed decisions about investments, acquisitions, and other critical growth initiatives.
  • Risk Management & Regulatory Compliance:We assist in identifying and mitigating financial risks while ensuring compliance with relevant financial regulations.

Benefits of Our CFO and Virtual CFO Services:

  • Cost-effective:Enjoy access to high-level financial expertise without the significant expense of hiring a full-time CFO.
  • Strategic Guidance:Gain valuable insights and guidance to make informed financial decisions that drive growth.
  • Improved Financial Performance:Enhance your financial management and optimize your financial health.
  • Scalable Solutions:Benefit from customized services that adapt to your specific business needs and budget.
  • Increased Efficiency:Focus on your core business activities while we handle your financial operations.

SAKH & Associates offers following services:

  • Virtual CFO
  • Virtual CFO Outsource
  • Virtual CFO Finance Service
  • Full time CFO
  • Interim CFO
  • Part Time CFO
  • Small Business CFO Service

Main activities that a CFO or Virtual CFO does includes:

  • Setting up Accounting and Reporting System
  • Establishment of Internal Financial Control
  • Preparation of periodical management reports (MIS)
  • End to End legal compliance handling for client
  • Financial Analysis, Budgeting and Control
  • Break Even Analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Year-end Accounts closure and support in Statutory Audit
  • Treasury Management
  • RBI Compliances

These are broad area of activities of a CFO or Virtual CFO. However, based on the client’s business requirement, scope of work can be increased or reduced to suit the individual business need.

How to Choose a Virtual CFO

If you are considering outsourcing your CFO responsibilities to a virtual CFO, there are a few things you need to keep in mind when choosing a provider. These include:

  • Experience: Make sure the virtual CFO has experience working with businesses in your industry and with businesses of your size.
  • Skills: Make sure the virtual CFO has the skills and expertise to handle your specific financial needs.
  • Availability: Make sure the virtual CFO is available when you need them.
  • Communication: Make sure the virtual CFO is easy to communicate with and that they are responsive to your needs.

Price: Make sure the virtual CFO’s fees are in line with your budget.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)