SAKH & AssociatesSAKH & AssociatesSAKH & Associates

Outsourced Human Resource Function

Outsourcing of Human Resource Function

Running a business requires juggling numerous tasks, and human resources (HR) can often become a time-consuming responsibility. Managing employee recruitment, onboarding, training, payroll, benefits, and legal compliance takes valuable focus away from your core business activities.

This is where Human Resource Outsourcing comes in. By partnering with a trusted HRO provider like SAKH & Associates, you can strategically delegate HR functions, allowing you to:

  • Focus on core business objectives:Free up your in-house team to concentrate on what matters most – growing your business.
  • Reduce costs:Minimize the need for hiring and managing full-time HR staff, including associated benefits and infrastructure costs.
  • Access expertise:Leverage the experience of dedicated HR professionals who stay up-to-date on complex HR regulations and best practices.
  • Increase efficiency:Streamline HR processes with access to advanced technology and best-in-class systems.
  • Mitigate risks:Benefit from expert compliance guidance to minimize legal and regulatory exposure.

SAKH & Associates: Your Partner in Streamlined HR Solutions

At SAKH & Associates, we understand the unique challenges businesses face in managing HR. We offer a comprehensive suite of tailored HRO solutions to meet your specific needs, including:

  • Payroll processing:Ensure accurate and timely payroll for your employees, while adhering to tax regulations.
  • Benefits administration:Manage employee benefits efficiently, including health insurance, retirement plans, and other offerings.
  • Talent acquisition and onboarding:Streamline the recruitment process, attract top talent, and onboard new hires seamlessly.
  • Employee relations:Provide guidance and support for employee concerns, fostering a positive work environment.
  • Compliance management:Stay compliant with ever-changing labor laws and regulations.

Why Choose SAKH & Associates?

  • Experience and Expertise:With a team of seasoned HR professionals and a proven track record, we offer unparalleled expertise in all facets of HR management.
  • Scalability and Flexibility:We adapt our solutions to your specific business needs, whether you require outsourcing a few functions or your entire HR department.
  • Cost-Effectiveness:Our transparent pricing model ensures you only pay for the services you need, maximizing your return on investment.
  • Technology-Driven Approach:We leverage advanced HR technology to improve efficiency, accuracy, and data security.
  • Client-Centric Focus:We prioritize building strong relationships and providing exceptional customer service to every client.

We offer a variety of HR outsourcing services, including:

  • Recruitment and hiring
  • Onboarding and offboarding
  • Payroll and benefits administration
  • Training and development
  • Employee relations
  • Compliance

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)