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Private and Public Company Incorporation

Public Company or Private Company Incorporation

Deciding to incorporate your business in India is a crucial first step, but choosing between a Public Limited Company and a Private Limited Company can be confusing. Both offer distinct advantages and limitations, and understanding them is essential for making the right decision for your business goals.

Public Limited Company:

  • Public Offering:Public Companies can raise capital through public offerings by selling shares on stock exchanges like the NSE or BSE. This allows for significant capital influx for large-scale ventures.
  • Increased Scrutiny:Public companies are subject to stricter regulations and compliance requirements, such as mandatory audits and public disclosure of financial statements.
  • Minimum Requirements:A minimum of 7 shareholders, 3 directors (with at least 1 Indian resident), and ₹5 lakh authorized share capital are mandatory.

Private Limited Company:

  • Closely Held:Shares are typically held by a small group of individuals, offering greater control and flexibility in decision-making.
  • Simpler Compliance:Compared to Public companies, Private companies have fewer compliance requirements, making them easier to manage.
  • Minimum Requirements:Requires a minimum of 2 directors and 2 shareholders, with no minimum capital requirement.

Let SAKH & Associates Guide You Through the Process:

Navigating the complexities of company incorporation can be challenging. SAKH & Associates is here to help you every step of the way:

  • Expert Advice:We provide comprehensive guidance to understand the nuances of both Public Company and Private Company structures and choose the one that best aligns with your business objectives.
  • Streamlined Process:Our team of experienced professionals handles the entire incorporation process, ensuring efficient and timely completion.
  • Compliance Support:We offer ongoing assistance with compliance requirements, ensuring your business remains compliant with regulations.

Benefits of Choosing SAKH & Associates:

  • Experience and Expertise:Our team possesses extensive knowledge and experience in Indian company incorporation, ensuring accuracy and efficient completion.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions:We offer affordable and transparent pricing, making our services accessible to a wide range of businesses.
  • Dedicated Support:We provide personalized support throughout the process, addressing your concerns and questions promptly.

What SAKH & Associates Offers?

  • Company Registration
  • Memorandum and Articles drafting
  • Name Reservation
  • Annual Filing of Returns
  • Introduction of Shareholder and Directors and the modifications
  • Conversion of firms/LLPs
  • Conversion of LLP to Companies and vice-versa

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)