SAKH & AssociatesSAKH & AssociatesSAKH & Associates

Startup Advisory

Startup Advisory

Embarking on your entrepreneurial journey in India? SAKH & Associates is here to equip you with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate the exciting yet complex world of startups. We offer comprehensive Start-Up Advisory services alongside guidance on Government initiatives designed to empower and support your venture.

Understanding Government Initiatives:

The Indian government actively fosters innovation and entrepreneurship through various initiatives under the Startup India program. These initiatives offer crucial benefits to eligible startups, including:

  • Tax benefits:Reduced income tax, exemption from angel tax, and capital gains tax exemptions.
  • Regulatory support:Simplified compliance, faster clearances, and self-certification.
  • Funding assistance:Access to various funding schemes and grants like the Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS).
  • Networking opportunities:Connect with mentors, investors, and fellow entrepreneurs through government-supported programs and events.

SAKH & Associates’s Expertise in Start-Up Advisory:

Our team of experienced professionals provides a range of customized services to help you navigate every stage of your startup journey:

  • Idea validation:We help you assess the viability of your idea and refine it for the market.
  • Business plan development:We guide you in crafting a comprehensive business plan that attracts investors and stakeholders.
  • Legal and regulatory compliance:We assist with company registration, obtaining necessary licenses, and navigating legal complexities.
  • Financial planning and fundraising:We help you create financial projections and connect you with potential investors and funding opportunities.
  • Mentorship and guidance:We provide ongoing support and advice to help you overcome challenges and achieve your business goals.

Why Choose SAKH & Associates?

  • In-depth knowledge:We stay updated on the latest government initiatives and regulations, ensuring your business benefits from all available support.
  • Holistic approach:We go beyond just company registration, offering comprehensive guidance throughout your startup journey.
  • Network and connections:We leverage our network of experts and partners to connect you with the resources you need for success.
  • Transparent and affordable pricing:We offer clear fee structures and flexible engagement models to suit your startup’s budget.

We offer a variety of services to help startups in India, including:

  • Business registration
  • Suggesting Legal Structure
  • License and permit acquisition
  • RBI and FEMA Compliances
  • Business Model
  • Capital Structuring and Share Valuation
  • Issue of SAFE Notes
  • Registration services under Start-up India
  • Accounting and financial reporting
  • Marketing and branding
  • Fundraising and investment
  • Legal and regulatory compliance

If you are interested in setting up a startup company in India, we can help you with the process. We have a team of experienced professionals who can help you with everything from business registration to marketing and fundraising.

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)